Friday Favorites: From Constellation Tattoos to Doc Martens

..and we're back! Favorites this week are pretty cool! Had a pretty weird week so this is all kind of a mash up of cool things, goofy things, and things that I just think are really rad. 

Coming at you in 3.. 2.. 1.. 

10. Lisa Simpson

This girl is an icon. A female icon.

Tackling women's issues everyday. 

Girl does what she wants with her body

9. GIF Gif gif

I have honestly been laughing about this gif for WEEKS. My best fried Allison's comment, "That's someone who loves their job!"

8. Button up denim skirts

My goal in life is to find a skirt like this at thrift store and pair it with a pair of jellies and a crop. It's so retro... but forever trendy. 

7. Eye Shirt

What would my blog be without an eye something?? So yes, another eye shirt.. but I think this one is sick because they're pairs of eyes and can we just talk about the brows?! It's sweet that you can see an expression in each pair and it's definitely the perfect top to wear with a pair of jeans and a pop shoe.

6. Blue Suede Shoes

I've been on the search for some blue suede pumps to wear for prom and these are some of my faves that I've come across. My dress is white so I think a little blue would be a cool touch.. and my mum might actually let me because she turned down me having eye nails. -_-

5. A Red Sandal

Sometimes you need a little pop to make an outfit work and a red sandal could be the perfect choice. These shoes are sure to add to any outfit and with a neutral, black and white outfit any of these sandals would knock it out.

4. Chokers

Only 90s kids will understand the importance of chokers.

3. Face Skirt

I love this skirt with a burning passion. It's so profound. Seriously.. with a cute little black turtleneck crop and one of those red sandals. gosh. stunning.

2. Freckle Constellation Tattoos

I need. I want. I HAVE to have one of these. 

I'm sure I have freckles that make up this constellation somewhere on my body.


One of the best purchases I've ever made. They're functional, they match most things, and I honestly feel like a bad ass when I wear them. It's like you're always walking to an Arctic Monkeys song and jamming out in these babies. It rocks. So if you want to feel awesome and come off as a careless and important member of society, get a pair! Feel the glory that comes with them!

That's all she wrote, folks!!

So I'll leave you with this little gem:

I really like this because sometimes we get so wrapped up in technology and school and work and relationships that we forget to look at the world around us. It's so easy to forget how wondrous and amazing it is to even be a person. The world is a beautiful place. Keep your head up and enjoy every moment you are given to just be alive.

Much love! <3

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